Bradley Neuburger / Owner / Principle Photographer
Tel: 417-880-1395
Email: info@bradleyneuburger.com
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About Me
Hi! I'm Bradley. I'm a proud husband, father (humans+dogs), and taker of the photos. I am married to my wonderful partner, Stephanie, and together we are raising our beautiful/amazing/incredible children. In the Winter of 2021, we made the big decision to relocate to beautiful Northern Colorado!
I love people, specifically working with people to help them feel comfortable when they're out of their normal element. Despite being a complete photography nerd, I've learned that we all just want to feel confident and relaxed when we're in front of the lens, which is my favorite part of this whole gig.
As a visual storyteller, I believe great photos don't only look beautiful, but must unlock emotions of the scene within. We are all part of this human experiment, and we deserve to remember all the wonderful emotions from each season of our lives.
I would love to help tell your story through stunning imagery. If you would like to know more about me, my experience, or even a technical question about photography, send me a message!